EarthCube 2021 Call for Notebooks
EarthCube 2021 Call
EarthCube 2021 Notebooks
Notebook DOIs
Notebook Submissions
1. Hydrographic Ocean Data Exploration
Interactive Jupyter notebook for hydrographic ocean data exploration, retrieval and visualization via the Argovis API
2. Interactive Visualization Tools for Ocean Glider Data
Glider Viz Panel
3. Programmatic Access to OpenTopography’s Cloud Optimized Geotiff (COG) Global Datasets
Programmatic Access to OpenTopography’s Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) Global Datasets
4. xclim : Software ecosystem for climate services
xclim: Software ecosystem for climate services
5. cf-xarray-earthcube
cf-xarray: Scale your analysis across datasets with less data wrangling and more metadata handling
6. Reanalysis of archived paleointensity data using a new statistical method.
BC_01 Bias Corrected Estimation of Paleointensity
7. Toward autonomous detection of anomalous GNSS data via applied unsupervised artificial intelligence
Toward autonomous detection of anomalous GNSS data via applied unsupervised artificial intelligence
8. Exploring Research Data Repositories with geoextent.
Exploring Research Data Repositories with geoextent
9. Leveraging satellite data and pangeo to investigate the role of Gulf Stream frontal dynamics in ocean productivity
Leveraging satellite data and pangeo to investigate the role of Gulf Stream frontal dynamics in ocean productivity
10. Machine Learning Guided Weather Analogs
11. ITS_LIVE Explorer
Global Glacier Velocity Exploration and Analysis
12. Frequency-domain analysis of large datasets
Frequency-Domain Analysis of Large Datasets
13. Volcanic activity detection and noise characterization using machine learning
15. OGGM-edu EarthCube notebook
OGGM-Edu - Jupyter notebooks to learn and teach about glaciers
16. JP 01 Real Time Alignment and Distribution of Weather Radar Data with Rain Gauge Data for Deep Learn
Real Time Alignment and Distribution of Weather Radar Data with Rain Gauge Data for Deep Learning using CHORDS
17. Notebook: Investigating upper ocean variability during tropical cyclones and seasonal sea ice formation and melting: Argovis APIs exposed to co-locate oceanic and atmospheric datasets
Investigating upper ocean variability during tropical cyclones and seasonal sea ice formation and melting: Argovis APIs exposed to co-locate oceanic and atmospheric datasets
18. Automated Machine Learning for Earth Science via AutoGluon
Automated Machine Learning for Earth Science via AutoGluon
19. QG Eliassen-Palm flux
Diagnosing the Eliassen-Palm flux from a quasi-geostrophic double gyre ensemble
20. EZ-FeatureTrack
Mapping ice flow velocity using an easy and interactive feature tracking workflow